About "The Lonely Old Record Store":

I wrote this story about two siblings who time travel with a record player about six years ago. And now I get to FINALLY share it with you all. I wanted to share my love of music with younger generations who might not know yet about great artists like the Beatles, or Duke Ellington, or George Gershwin. And I wanted to write a story that kids would find just as entertaining as adults. 

Join Piper and Max as they embark on the time traveling adventure of a lifetime. Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for stopping by.  

Available in store at Amoeba Hollywood (paperback and hardcover)

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Available online at Wiggles and Giggles Bookstore

"The Lonely Old Record Store"

Sneak Peak

It was a Sunday night very much unlike the Sunday nights of before.

Old scores and songs of yore soared through the lonely old record store.

It was the last of its time, long past its prime,

and on this Sunday night would bid its last goodbye.

But like every great performance, there’s always something more.

This lonely old record store had one more encore.

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